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September 24, 2009


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Kimberley Libecki, Zachary Reynolds Armistead's mother (9/23/93 - 12/2/08 and eternity)

Once again your talent for capturing the essence of an event with your photos and articulating the emotions with words amazes me. You've given so much to my friends and family with what seems to be so little effort...but I know you work very hard, which is why it appears so simple to the lay person. I enjoy your blogs and cherish your friendship. Thank you for adding your special touch to Zach's birthday celebration. He may have been taken from our world prematurely and without warning, but September 23rd will always be his special day.

Alysha Rice

oh my goodness :) i was there!:D
we love you zach<3
and i love kim:)

Gina Baker

Everyone loves and misses you zach :)

bryan farley

Thank you Gina for your post. If you get a chance to read the February Fresno Magazine, there will be a really good story about the Mothers of Angels group.



I have to say that I miss that kid..a lot. I wish I could of been there to spend this day with Kim.The pictures are great as are the ones of the Mothers of Angels :)

bryan farley

Thank you for reading and posting Natalee. If you haven't seen this more recent post:


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